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This guide on shared decision making was co-created by My Home Life England alongside an Expert Advisory Group of people working in a range of care homes. The guide contains Case studies,...
Staff from a group of care homes have shared with us at My Home Life England some of the things they found helpful during the first lockdown of 2020. These ‘Lockdown Learnings’...
Between 2015-2019, My Home Life released a series of bulletins for care home staff, each focused on a different topic. The bulletins are filled with real stories, practice ideas and top tips....
The My Home Life toolkit was designed to support conversations for quality improvement. It was developed from research and piloted with care home managers. It helps people to explore their thoughts and...
1. Posters Put a poster in your care home window, or in the window of your local shop, and let the community know how best to support you: Poster:...
The Big Care Home Conversation (BCHC) was devised by My Home Life England to discover: What works well in care homes? And what could be even better? From May 2012, My Home...