Intergenerational Linking Activities
We’re delighted to share a series of intergenerational linking activities, supporting connection between young people and people living in care homes!
Community connections are vital for care settings and intergenerational friendships between younger and older people are so important.
We’re here to help make that happen!
Below are 18 step-by-step activities, suiting different abilities and interests, including some specifically for Christmas time.
They are aimed at children aged 5-14 and can be used by schools, youth organisations, parent/guardians and young people themselves. They could also be used by people living in care settings.
We hope they promote community, kindness and friendship. Enjoy!
Notes on ActivitiesThe following 11 resources can be completed at any time of year.
Create your own bird feeder and hang it in the garden of a care home!
Older people will enjoy watching different birds visit the garden to feed from your thoughtful, tasty creation!
We’ve got 3 different bird feeders for you to try – apple feeder, fat ball and recycled milk carton.
Download Bird Feeders activity
Decorate a pot and plant it with fast-growing seeds or bulbs.
Take it to your local care home so that the people living there can enjoy watching your colourful creation grow!
Tip – practice your design on our template first.
Download Pots of Love activity
Download Pots of Love template
Write and send a postcard of kindness to someone living in a care home who may be feeling lonely.
Your thoughtfulness will brighten their day! Check out our ideas to inspire designs for the front of the card.
Download Postcards of Kindness activity
Download Postcards of Kindness ideas
Crosswords are a fun way to test general knowledge and get the brain thinking.
Create your own crossword for an older person to complete – they may even learn some new facts!
You can use an online creator or follow our step-by-step instructions to make one by hand.
Download Crossword activity
Fill in a one page profile to introduce yourself to a care home resident.
One page profiles are a great way to get to know each other better and find common interests. Perhaps they’ll send one back to you!
We’ve created a template to help you get started.
Download One Page Profile activity
Download One Page Profile template
It’s fun to make new friends! Write a letter to a care home resident and wait for them to send one back to you.
You’ll learn more about each other as your pen pal friendship develops.
Our Introductory Questions help you to talk about yourself. We’ve also included some Curiosity Questions that you could ask your new friend.
Download Pen Pals activityDownload Introductory Questions
Download Curiosity Questions
Decorate pebbles in bright colours and patterns. Take them to a care home and put them in the garden.
They will become little patches of colour and friendship when people look out of their windows!
Download Rock Art activity
Produce your own newspaper for care home residents to read!
is a great way to demonstrate your creativity – you could include local stories, interviews with family members, sports reports and maybe even a puzzle.
Ask your siblings or friends if they’d like to get involved too!
Download Newspaper activity
Do you have a secret talent? Or have you always wanted to learn a new skill?
Share step-by-step instructions with older people living in your local care home so they can learn a new skill from you.
Maybe they’ll share something back!
We’ve suggested some ideas of skills you might like to choose from.
Download Skill Swap activityDownload Skill Swap ideas sheet
Puzzles are great for keeping the brain active!
Create your own word search for a care home resident to enjoy and complete.
You can make your own grid or use our ready-made template.
Download Word Search activityDownload Word Search template
Write a story for residents at your local care home to enjoy!
Take a look at our ideas to give you some inspiration – perhaps you could rewrite your favourite book, keep a lockdown diary, or base it on one of the residents themselves?
Download Story Exchange activityDownload Story Exchange ideas sheet
The follow 7 resources are Christmas & Winter themed.
Create your very own reindeer using your hands!
Send your handmade decoration to a care home for them to hang on their tree.
Your thoughtful decoration will bring a smile to people and make their Christmas extra special.
Download Reindeer Decoration activity
What brings you joy at Christmas? Fill in our Christmas Question Sheet!
Answering these questions is a fun and festive way to introduce yourself to an older person living in a care home and let them know what Christmas means to you.
We’ve created a template or you could make your own.
Download Christmas Question Sheet activityDownload Christmas Question Sheet template
Snowflakes make beautiful decorations and you just need plain paper and scissors!
Create your own snowflakes and send them to a care home to bring some joy and help them decorate for the winter season.
Download Snowflake activity
Create your own snow globe and give it to a care home as a gift.
Gently shaking the snow globe will move the glitter and give the impression of falling snow!
You can pick what you put inside your snow globe, but make sure you’ve got some strong glue.
Download Snowflake activity
It’s always lovely to receive some post! Send a homemade Christmas card to a care home and show the residents that you are thinking of them this Christmas.
You can write your own thoughtful message inside too.
We’ve got a special care home design that you can print and use, or you can make your own.
Download Christmas Card activityDownload template: Christmas card picture for care homes (big)
Download template: Christmas card picture for care homes (small)
Create your own winter themed word search for a care home resident to enjoy and complete.
Puzzles are great for keeping the brain active!
You can make your own grid or use our ready-made template.
Download Winter Word Search activityDownload Winter Word Search template
Ask older people living in a care home some Christmas Questions!
Give your own answers to the questions too so that the older people can get to know you.
This activity will help you both reflect on the festive season and may help older people reminisce about their childhoods.
Download Asking Christmas Questions activityDownload Asking Christmas Questions ideas sheet
These resources were created by Care Home Friends and Neighbours: Intergenerational Linking – a project from My Home Life England and The Linking Network.
The project was funded through the #iwill Fund. The #iwill Fund is made possible thanks to £66 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. The Dunhill Medical Trust acted as a match funder for this project and awarded grants on behalf of the #iwill Fund.