The Big Care Home Conversation – information and resources
The Big Care Home Conversation (BCHC) was devised by My Home Life England to discover:
What works well in care homes? And what could be even better?
From May 2012, My Home Life England worked with care homes to find out their thoughts. This included many care home managers in the 19 Local Authorities in England who have been part of our Leadership Support programme.
We supported care home managers to have an open conversation with residents, relatives, staff and members of the public around 3 simple questions:
- What makes life good in care homes now?
- What could make them even better?
- How might we get there?
Care homes were provided with a range of tools and materials to help open up conversations – including leaf-shaped labels onto which residents, relatives, staff and the local community could share their thoughts and hang onto a ‘tree’ within the home.
Branded bags of resources and tools for use in the initiative were sent to 203 care homes in England .
The resources were also uploaded onto the My Home Life England website, enabling the BCHC to take place in other locations in the country outside of care homes, including hospitals, Age UK offices, libraries, councils and conferences
3,400 responses were received!
See the Evaluation Summary for more details.
Residents, relatives, staff, and the local community were encouraged to share their thoughts on leaf-shaped labels (see below) and hang them onto a ‘tree’ within the home.
Residents, relatives, staff, and the local community were encouraged to share their thoughts on these leaf-shaped labels and hang them onto a ‘tree’ (see above) within the home.
A banner asking:
- What makes life good in care homes now?
- What could make them even better?
- How might we get there?