For Commissioning Organisations - Professional Development, Training and Consultancy

Our work directly supports system resilience and flow. We build bespoke programmes depending on local needs, with a focus on continuous quality development, leadership and creative connections.

What does a better future for social care look like? Watch our animation:

What we offer
Download our flyer to find out more about some of our programmes, including indicative pricing and how we can support your organisation and team.
Please do get in touch with us for more details.
An Assistant Director of Commissioning, North West England, said:

“The offer from My Home Life England has helped to empower and equip care home managers to face the challenge of delivering high quality effective care and support in the current climate.
It’s been amazing to see the journey they have been on and, as part of our integrated Care Home Strategy delivery, we hope to continue to build on this in the future”.

Professional Support and Development
This well-established leadership programme works with groups of care leaders over a 7-9 month period delivering:
- Long-term resilience, capacity, skills development & professional confidence.
- Improved quality, team morale and enthusiasm to work in the sector.
- Improved ability to avoid hospital admissions and support quick discharge.
Supporting Integration at Place
We bring care leaders together with managers and colleagues from the wider health and care system to explore what ‘integration’ means for people who live and work in care settings.
With an emphasis on co-production, we identify shared visions and help create collaborative relationships that enable realistic and practical change, building on opportunities and supporting local policy approaches.
Creating Connections within Communities
As part of our ‘Care Home Friends and Neighbours’ programme, we have a strong track record of creating connections between care homes and their local communities. These connections support quality and help build alliances, enabling care homes to establish a strong reputation that supports recruitment and retention
Quality Development and Commissioner Support Programme
This programme, which provides a semi-structured and confidential learning environment for people who have a lead in supporting quality development and outcomes focused on commissioning for the care sector.
The programme is run virtually and combines a mixture of written resources and facilitated groups. It supports participants to explore operational and strategic challenges, as well as celebrate and share positive practice in supporting new ways of working and shaping new models of care in this complex sector.
The content of the programme combines themed sessions, guest speakers and ‘hot topics and issues’ that are important to the participants.
Previous participants have said:
‘It has supported me through my role, and made me realise that I was not alone with some of the work which I was undertaking’
‘Fantastic opportunity to learn from others’
Contact us for the next available start date.